Registration schedule


Payment options

QR Code

This is the fastest and most secure method to register. Sign up online through our web application:

Payments are verified automatically and you will receive inmediate notification of you registration status. You need a Bolivian bank account that supports QR code payments

Direct Deposit

If you want to pay the old fashioned way and have a Bolivian bank account please pay your registration fee to:

Banco BISA: Sociedad de Economistas de Bolivia

Acct Number (in Dollars): 257-504-5017

NIT: 186158020

Please send the voucher to


Make a family and friends tranfer using the following link:

Please send the voucher to

What is included in the registration?

  • All registrations include one-year membership to SEBOL, conference material, access to plenary sessions, parallel sessions and farewell cocktail.

  • Professional registration have complementary welcome cocktail, lunch and coffee break service during the conference.

  • Participation certificates will be granted to all registered participants.


If you have questions about which registration option is right for you, please contact Mariana Pérez (